STARS Training MERIT Washington

STARS Training is an annual training program mandated by the state of Washington for child care providers. It is administered by The Department of Children, Youth and Families (DCYF) through a workforce registry called MERIT .

What is STARS training?

The Department of Children, Youth, and Families (DCYF) in Washington requires child care providers to complete at least 10 hours of continuing education training each year. All early learning professionals who independently supervise children need to meet this training requirement of star hours for WA.

Stars Online Training

SafeGard Classes Online offers annual STARS online training for early learning providers. Our discounted 10-hour STARS training packages, of high-quality child care courses on popular and relevant topics, are available for you to get started. They are accessible on any device: desktop, laptop, and tablet as well as phone.

Online Training classes for Washington Stars Approved Training

Go to our online courses training catalog and select Washington as your state from the dropdown menu, all approved training courses will be shown. Green checkmarks indicate that these child care classes meet STARS State In-Service Requirements and fulfill a need for professional development hours in your area of expertise!

Free STARS Training

SafeGard Classes free course

Do, you want Free Stars Training? No problem! Our free online training in child development course, will earn your in service training hours and let you try out our web-based learning environment, too!

Stars Training Reimbursement

More good news! SafeGard classes is a registered training organization with DCYF and all our trainers are approved by the Washington State DCFY Merit registry, so if you have completed your stars hours from us you may be eligible for reimbursement.

Please click on the Washington state dcyf website for more details on the training reimbursement application.

Reporting to MERIT Account

At Safegard Classes, It is our goal to have your reimbursements processed on time, so we report to MERIT within 24 to 48 business hours every time you complete your online courses.


Here are some useful links to help you learn about STARS training

Washington State Child Care Licensing

Understanding the STARS requirements

What is MERIT?

What Training is Required?

Getting Reimbursed for Your Training

Discounted and Specially-Pricing STARS Packages

Experienced STARS Trainers

10 Hour STARS Packages

Approved STARS Classes

Free Online STARS Classes

Immediate Access to Classes and Certificates

Low Cost 30 Hour Basics Packages

Discounts and Promotions on STARS Classes

STARS Classes for Phones and Tablets

Easy Access Options for STARS Hours

Quick and Easy Access to DEL Basic Training Classes

Initial Basic Training

Washington State STARS Merit registry




Washington State STARS Merit registry