The safety of children in your care is always the highest priority in any child care program. SafeGard Classes Online offers many online classes on health and safety-related topics to help you keep your kids safe and meet your state's licensing requirements.
The federal government also passed the Reauthorization of Child Development Block Grant
- Emergency preparedness, disaster and evacuation plans and procedures;
- Safe sleep procedures including prevention of sudden infant death syndrome,
- Shaken baby syndrome, abusive head trauma, and child maltreatment;
- Routine and emergency health care including health exclusions, prevention and recognition of the symptoms of childhood illnesses, including reportable communicable diseases;
- Prevention and response to emergencies due to food allergies;
- Building and physical premises safety;
- Handling and storage of hazardous materials; proper disposal of bio-contaminants;
- Safety measures in transporting children, if applicable, and
- Recognition of the symptoms of child abuse and neglect, the child abuse and neglect law and reporting requirements, and the center’s procedures to report abuse and neglect.
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