SafeGard Classes Online supports childcare providers in Michigan with more than 200 online mobile-friendly childcare training classes. Visit our childcare classes page and select Michigan as your state to view all of the approved classes. SafeGard Classes Online is also an IACET Accredited Provider, allowing providers to earn Continuing Education Units (CEUs) in addition to fulfilling education hour requirements.

SafeGard Classes Online offers two special bundles of classes for Michigan family home and childcare providers, in addition to over 200 approved individual classes:


In addition to general child care training classes, SafeGard Classes Online can offer Michigan childcare providers with the national Child Development Associate (CDA) Credential training curriculum. Our classes fulfill both the initial CDA certification as well as the renewal. We are a Proud Partner of the CDA and the Council for Professional Recognition, so you can be confident that our classes will meet the CDA Council's requirements for continuing education. Additionally, our collaboration with the Council ensures that you will receive the support and resources needed throughout the process of pursuing your CDA Credentials.

Get started building on the basics of child care training


Michigan Childcare Professionals

SafeGard Classes Online offers classes to fulfill the yearly training, professional development and licensing renewal requirements for a wide variety of childcare professionals who work in child care centers, family child care homes and group child care homes throughout Michigan:

  • Program Directors
  • Licensees
  • Site Supervisors
  • Lead Caregivers
  • Caregivers
  • Assistant Caregivers
  • Volunteers


Child Care Licensing Links for Michigan

There are a few different government organizations that you should be aware of and follow as a licensed childcare provider in Michigan:

You may want to bookmark LARA’s resources webpage in particular. It offers important materials such as FAQs, renewal information, links for fingerprinting and criminal background checks, and more. The page also features important recent alerts about relevant news such as food and children’s product recalls.


Michigan’s Rules for Childcare Provider Licensing Requirements

The State of Michigan has specific rules in place for the training required in addition to education in order to qualify for different roles within childcare:

  • Program Director: Bachelor’s or Associate’s degree, or Montessori or CDA credential; plus 18 semester hours of coursework in Early Childhood Education or Child Development; and 480-960 hours of experience.
  • Site Supervisor: High School diploma, GED or equivalent; plus 15 clock hours, 1 semester hour, or 1.5 CEUs of documented school-age training; and 480 hours of experience.
  • Lead Caregiver: High school diploma, GED or equivalent; plus 12 semester hours and 960 hours of experience. OR Associate’s degree or Bachelor’s degree in early childhood education or child development. OR high school diploma or GED; plus 12 semester hours and/or 18 CEUs to equal 180 clock hours; with 1,920 hours of experience. OR high school diploma or GED; plus 6 semester hours and/or 9 CEUs to equal 90 clock hours; and 3,840 hours of experience. Also, lead caregivers for infants and toddlers must complete 3 semester hours or 4.5 CEUs in infant/toddler development and care practices within 6 months of hire.


Child Care Provider Professional Development Requirements in Michigan

Michigan has several rules in place regarding professional development requirements for caregivers. Caregivers must undergo training for: First aid and infant, child, and adult CPR, as well as Infant Safe Sleep, Shaken Baby Syndrome and Blood-Borne Pathogens. In addition, all program directors, site supervisors, and caregivers must complete 16 clock hours of professional development on an annual basis. These hours can be focused on topics relevant to their job responsibilities, including, but not limited to:


Additional Child Care Training Resources

  • Use this form for family child care homes and this form for child care centers to record your training experiences from workshops, community-based training, college courses, and conferences.
  • For a complete list of laws and legislature regarding child care organizations, click here.
  • To learn more about starting a child care center in Michigan, contact the Michigan Department of Human Services’ Bureau of Children and Adult Licensing:
PO Box 30759
Lansing, MI 48909

The great seal of the State of Michigan