SafeGard Classes Online offers many high-quality online childcare training classes in Virginia. See all approved classes by selecting Virginia as your state on our childcare classes page. As an IACET Accredited Provider, our classes also earn Continuing Education Units (CEUs).
SafeGard Classes Online offers the national Child Development Associate (CDA) Credential training curriculum in Virginia for both the initial CDA as well as the renewal. As a Proud Partner of the CDA and the Council for Professional Recognition, you can be assured our classes will meet the CDA Council's requirements for continuing education. We work closely with the Council to ensure you receive the support and resources to you need as you pursue your CDA Credentials.
The Virginia Department of Social Services Division of Licensing programs protect children in day and residential care settings. It operates from Home Office in Richmond and eight licensing offices statewide.
Children's Programs Regulated by the Division
- Child Caring Institutions (CCI)
- Children's Residential Facilities (CRF)
- Certified Preschools (CP)
- Child Day Centers (CDC)
- Family Day Homes (FDH)
- Family Day Systems (FDS)
- Voluntarily Registered Family Day Homes (VRFDH)
- Religious Exempt Child Day Centers (RECDC)
- Licensed Independent Foster Homes (IFH)
- Licensed Child Placing Agencies (LCPA)
Virginia Day Care Professionals
Not all child day care programs in Virginia are required to be licensed. A child day care program in Virginia refers to a regularly operating service arrangement for children where, during the absence of a parent or guardian, a person or organization has agreed to assume responsibility for the supervision, protection, and well-being of a child under the age of 13 for less than a twenty-four-hour period.
There are two types of child day care programs: Out-of-home care (Center-Based) and in-home care (Family-Based) in a private home.
These two types of care can be further broken down into:
- Licensed
- Unlicensed (but regulated)
- Approved; and
- Unlicensed and Unregistered
Child Care Licensing Links for Virginia
There are a few different organizations that you should be aware of and follow as a licensed childcare provider in Virginia:
- Virginia Child Care Licensing
- Child Care as a Profession
- Virginia Associated for the Education of Young Children
Virginia’s Rules for Licensed Children’s Programs
Child Day Centers
- Background Checks for Child Welfare Agencies (PDF)
- General Procedures and Information for Licensure (PDF)
- Replacement Pages for General Procedures and Information for Licensure (PDF)
- Standards for Licensed Child Day Centers (PDF)
- Standards for Licensed Child Day Centers - New Numbers Chart (PDF)
- Standards for Licensed Child Day Centers Exempt Action Replacement Page (PDF)
Technical Assistance
- Technical Assistance for Background Checks for Child Welfare Agencies (PDF)
- Technical Assistance for General Procedures and Information for Licensure (PDF)
- Technical Assistance for Standards for Licensed Child Day Centers (PDF)
Applicable Code of Virginia References
Family Day Homes
- Background Checks for Child Welfare Agencies (PDF)
- General Procedures and Information for Licensure (PDF)
- Replacement Pages for General Procedures and Information for Licensure (PDF)
- Replacement Pages for Standards for Licensed Family Day Homes Exempt Actions (PDF)
- Standards for Licensed Family Day Homes with Interpretation Guidelines (PDF)
Technical Assistance
- Technical Assistance for Background Checks for Child Welfare Agencies (PDF)
- Technical Assistance for General Procedures and Information for Licensure (PDF)
Applicable Code of Virginia References
Child Care Provider Annual Training Requirements in Virginia
SafeGard Classes Online offers classes to fulfill the annual training and professional development requirements for wide range of childcare professionals who work in Virginia:
Licensed Child Day Centers
Qualifications vary for program directors, program leaders, and aides. Program directors can meet one of the following criteria with education in a child-related field:
- Graduate degree
- An endorsement or bachelor’s degree
- College credits: 48 semester hours with 12 being in a child-related field or 72 quarter hours with 18 being in a child-related field
- Two years of programmatic experience with one year in a supervisory capacity and other advanced educational requirements
- Three years of programmatic experience with one year in a supervisory capacity and a high school completion or equivalent
Staff members are required to have a minimum of 16 clock hours of training annually in areas relevant to their job responsibilities.
Licensed Family Day Homes
In addition to cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) and first aid certification, providers are required to have a minimum of 16 clock hours of training annually in areas relevant to their job responsibilities.
Additional Child Care Training Resources