Being a pre-kindergarten teacher can be very fun and rewarding.  Seeing children learn and develop offers a great feeling of satisfaction and accomplishment!

But keeping up with the current trends in child development can be a challenge.  We offer over 200 online classes in a wide range of topics, including behavior management, child development, communication, and health, safety and nutrition.

Classes can be used in many states toward your licensing and in-service hours.  Check our state resources page for more information on your state.  

We also have early childhood education training packages for the initial and renewal CDA Credential.  See which package best meets your needs.

What is the CDA Credential?

If you're looking for multi-class packages on a specific subject, try our Knowledge Collection: bundles of classes in topics early learning professionals want most.

If you're looking to meet your licensing requirements, try our discounted state packages to get all your hours with one click!

For even more information on teaching and children's development, try our teacher resource page.