We all know the benefits of continuing education and learning but who has the time or money? Online classes can be a great way to learn new skills or keep updated on new concepts and best practices within the child care field.
SafeGard Classes Online offers over 200 classes on a wide variety of child care topics, from autism to working with humor, including the Child Development Associate (CDA) Credentials and many classes in Spanish.
Benefits of Online Training Classes
Cost Savings - It's estimated that online classes reduce costs by 50%-70% versus traditional classroom training. With no overhead costs, instructor fees, travel time or facilities expenses, the savings really add up! Online classes are also eco-friendly, reducing energy use and CO2 emissions.
Instant Gratification - Courses from SG Classes Online are immediately available after order and can be started (and completed!) at your conveninence. And, the certificate of completion will be in your account as soon as the course has been completed. No waiting--get your classes done as quickly as you need!
Consistent Class Content - All students will be engaged with all the information they need about that topic--no worrying about trainer inconsistencies. And, classes will remain in your account so you can go back and review at any time, for FREE!
Interaction and Retention - Each class has multiple opportunities to apply your learning and interact with peers or the author: forums, interacts, live chat, email, quizzes and course evaluations. A recent study by the Research Institute of America found that online learning can increase retention of materials by up to 60%.
Get started with your online classes today to meet your annual continuing education requirements and find out how convenience and practical online learning can be!