Workplace Burnout
Discusses how to recognize burnout, debunks stress myths, and describes the normal reaction sequence. Identifies effects of stress and how to reduce stress. Emphasizes the control that each individual has over their own level of stress.
Goal: to recognize job burnout and learn how to manage difficult situations to reduce stress
This mobile-friendly class is accessible on any device, including tablets and phones.
Workplace Burnout
Goal: to recognize job burnout and learn how to manage difficult situations to reduce stress
Table of Contents
- Myths About Stress
- The Reaction Sequence
- Too Much Stress
- You and Stress
- Stress and the Job
- Handling Stress
Learning Objectives
After completing this class, the student will be able to:
- recognize my burnout
- identify myths about stress
- describe the three parts of the reaction sequence
- list physical and emotional effects of stress
- identify and evaluate techniques for reducing stress
- discuss the importance of the control each individual has over stressful situations
NOTE: This course may reflect state-specific regulations. No information in this course supersedes any state regulations you need to follow. You must consult your state’s regulations when developing policies and procedures. Regulations for all states are accessible on the National Database of Child Care Licensing Regulations. Click on the link provided to view regulations in your state.
If you have any questions for us or for the author, please use the live chat feature located at the bottom right of your screen. You may also call us at 253-277-1939 or email us at [email protected]
After completing this class, the student will be able to:
- recognize my burnout
- identify myths about stress
- describe the three parts of the reaction sequence
- list physical and emotional effects of stress
- identify and evaluate techniques for reducing stress
- discuss the importance of the control each individual has over stressful situations