Designing Centers #1: Getting Started
Discusses the importance of having learning centers, how to establish them, and how to manage them.
Goal: To understand the variety of centers and how to design effectively and efficiently.
This mobile-friendly class is accessible on any device, including tablets and phones.
What customers are saying about this class:
"Such an easy website to use. Very user friendly."
"I got great ideas for the centers I will be adding to my daycare."
"Wow am I glad I ran across your website today."
Designing Centers #1: Getting Started
Goal: To understand the variety of centers and how to design effectively and efficiently
Table of Contents
- Why Centers are Critical Regardless of Classroom Size
- Choosing Centers
- Requirements for Each Center
- Assigning Centers
- Changing Centers
- Center Names and Incorporating Themes
- Each Child Deserves His Day in the Sun!
Learning Objectives
After completing this class, the student will be able to:
- describe the need for a variety of centers
- design those centers for your facility
- make the most efficient use of limited space and limited funds
- make daily use of centers
- discuss methods for assigning students to centers
- incorporate individual centers into class-wide themes
NOTE: This course may reflect state-specific regulations. No information in this course supersedes any state regulations you need to follow. You must consult your state’s regulations when developing policies and procedures. Regulations for all states are accessible on the National Database of Child Care Licensing Regulations. Click on the link provided to view regulations in your state.
After completing this class, the student will be able to:
- describe the need for a variety of centers
- design those centers for your facility
- make the most efficient use of limited space and limited funds
- make daily use of centers
- discuss methods for assigning students to centers
- incorporate individual centers into class-wide themes