Toddler Develop: Emotion & Reasoning (for parents)
Discusses the emotional, cognitive, language and social development of toddlers.
Toddler Development: Emotional & Reasoning (Parenting)
Goal: to identify and understand emotional, language, cognitive and social development for toddlers
Tables of Contents
By 18 months most toddlers have developed what Piaget calls symbolic representation. Symbolic representation means they can plan and consider an act beforehand. They are thinking in what we consider logical ways. Toddlers with symbolic representation can also imitate an action remembered from the past. They can hold an image of an object in their mind and can therefore pretend; as in use an object as a symbol for something else. Real speech and verbal understanding are now possible. Spoken language and pretend play blossom at this age.
Toddlers are constantly observing adults for the "correct" way to act. Daily interactions with adults and other children help them adapt and begin to understand the feelings of others. Remember that young children will watch your every move. They listen to what you say, especially when you don't want them to hear you. They see everything you do, even when you think they are not watching. The most effective teaching method you have is role modeling. Be sure you are modeling the things you want your children to learn.
Participant will be able to
- Identify the four different development areas
- Recognize and respect cultural expectation in developmental issues
- Consider the different developmental areas for planning lessons
- Identify the three biological functions and how they affect emotional development.
- Recognize the importance of role modeling and how it affects the different developmental areas.